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What best describes your current eating habits?

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I mostly eat home-cooked meals.
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I’m not sure—my eating habits are all over the place.
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I often grab processed or convenience foods.
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I try to eat healthy but I struggle with cravings.
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How would you describe your sleep quality?

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My sleep is interrupted by stress or anxiety.
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I have trouble falling or staying asleep.
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I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed.
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I don’t get enough sleep because I’m too busy.
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I prefer other beverages like coffee or soda.
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I only drink water when I feel thirsty.
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I consistently drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
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I try, but I often forget to drink enough.
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Which best describes your relationship with “comfort foods”?

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I try to avoid them, but it’s hard.
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I don’t think they affect my results.
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I rely on them to unwind.
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I know they’re bad for me, but I eat them anyway.
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How often do you find yourself ordering takeout or delivery for dinner?

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Almost daily, I’m too busy to cook.
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A few times a week, it’s just easier.
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Only on weekends or special occasions.
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Rarely, I prefer cooking at home.
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When do you typically experience cravings?

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Late at night.
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I don't usually notice cravings.
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During stressful moments.
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In the afternoon.
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I tend to ignore it until it becomes overwhelming.
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I practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
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I rely on food or drinks to calm down.
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I use exercise or hobbies to cope.
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What’s your biggest struggle with meal planning?

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I forget to plan ahead.
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I don’t have time to cook.
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I’m not sure what healthy options to choose.
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I get bored with healthy food.
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How do you typically wind down at the end of the day?

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I have trouble relaxing and stay up too late.
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I have a consistent bedtime routine.
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I often work late or think about work before bed.
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I watch TV or use my phone until I fall asleep.
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How do you prioritize self-care in your daily routine?

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I set aside time daily for self-care activities.
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I try to, but often get too busy or distracted.
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I occasionally take time for self-care, but it’s not regular.
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I rarely think about self-care—it’s not a priority for me.
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Your Result Type is The Balanced Wellness Warrior

You’ve got a strong foundation in wellness habits! You’re consistent with your workouts and meals, prioritize high-quality sleep, manage stress effectively, and keep yourself well-hydrated.
You know how to balance all aspects of health, making you a wellness warrior.
Keep up the great work!
Your key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Regular and balanced
- Diet: Consistently healthy choices
- Sleep: Deep and refreshing
- Stress Management: Effective use of relaxation techniques
- Hydration: Consistently drinking enough water
Next Steps: To continue optimizing your health, consider incorporating more advanced techniques like strength training variations, experimenting with nutrient timing, or exploring new stress management tools such as breathwork or mindfulness meditation.
You know how to balance all aspects of health, making you a wellness warrior.
Keep up the great work!
Your key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Regular and balanced
- Diet: Consistently healthy choices
- Sleep: Deep and refreshing
- Stress Management: Effective use of relaxation techniques
- Hydration: Consistently drinking enough water
Next Steps: To continue optimizing your health, consider incorporating more advanced techniques like strength training variations, experimenting with nutrient timing, or exploring new stress management tools such as breathwork or mindfulness meditation.

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Your Result Type is The Conscious Improver

You’re aware of your wellness needs and make an effort to stay on track, but there’s room for improvement.
You try to exercise regularly and eat healthily, though your sleep and hydration might sometimes take a back seat. Stress can sometimes throw you off, but you’re working on it.
Your Key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Regular but sometimes inconsistent
- Diet: Generally healthy but with occasional slip-ups
- Sleep: Adequate but not always restful
- Stress Management: Some strategies in place, but stress occasionally overwhelms
- Hydration: Attempts to stay hydrated but sometimes falls short
Next Steps: Focus on creating a more consistent routine that includes regular exercise, balanced meals, better sleep hygiene, and effective stress management. Small changes, like setting reminders to drink water or establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, can make a big difference.
You try to exercise regularly and eat healthily, though your sleep and hydration might sometimes take a back seat. Stress can sometimes throw you off, but you’re working on it.
Your Key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Regular but sometimes inconsistent
- Diet: Generally healthy but with occasional slip-ups
- Sleep: Adequate but not always restful
- Stress Management: Some strategies in place, but stress occasionally overwhelms
- Hydration: Attempts to stay hydrated but sometimes falls short
Next Steps: Focus on creating a more consistent routine that includes regular exercise, balanced meals, better sleep hygiene, and effective stress management. Small changes, like setting reminders to drink water or establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, can make a big difference.

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Your Result Type is The Wellness Seeker

You’re on a journey to better health but may struggle with consistency. You’re likely aware of the importance of exercise and healthy eating, but other factors like sleep, stress, and hydration might be neglected.
You’re searching for the right balance and could benefit from additional guidance.
Key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Irregular or inconsistent
- Diet: A mix of healthy and less healthy choices
- Sleep: Disrupted by stress or anxiety
- Stress Management: Needs improvement; may turn to less healthy coping mechanisms
- Hydration: Often forgets to drink enough water
Next Steps: Begin by setting small, manageable goals for each area of wellness.
Start with one habit—like improving sleep or drinking more water—and build from there. Over time, you can create a more balanced and sustainable wellness routine.
You’re searching for the right balance and could benefit from additional guidance.
Key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Irregular or inconsistent
- Diet: A mix of healthy and less healthy choices
- Sleep: Disrupted by stress or anxiety
- Stress Management: Needs improvement; may turn to less healthy coping mechanisms
- Hydration: Often forgets to drink enough water
Next Steps: Begin by setting small, manageable goals for each area of wellness.
Start with one habit—like improving sleep or drinking more water—and build from there. Over time, you can create a more balanced and sustainable wellness routine.

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Your Result Type is The Wellness Newbie

You’re just beginning to explore the world of wellness, and there’s plenty of room for growth. You might struggle with finding time for exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, stress management, and hydration.
This journey is all about learning and discovering what works best for you.
Your Key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Minimal or infrequent
- Diet: Tends to rely on convenience foods
- Sleep: Insufficient and often disrupted
- Stress Management: Needs significant improvement
- Hydration: Only drinks water when thirsty
Next Steps: Start with the basics. Begin by integrating small, sustainable changes into your daily routine—like taking a short walk, swapping out processed snacks for fruits and veggies, or setting a consistent bedtime.
Over time, these small changes will add up to big improvements in your overall wellness.
This journey is all about learning and discovering what works best for you.
Your Key Characteristics:
- Exercise: Minimal or infrequent
- Diet: Tends to rely on convenience foods
- Sleep: Insufficient and often disrupted
- Stress Management: Needs significant improvement
- Hydration: Only drinks water when thirsty
Next Steps: Start with the basics. Begin by integrating small, sustainable changes into your daily routine—like taking a short walk, swapping out processed snacks for fruits and veggies, or setting a consistent bedtime.
Over time, these small changes will add up to big improvements in your overall wellness.