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What's Your Self-care Score?

From newbie to pro,
find out your level of self-care know-how!
You'll also get tips to help you feel your healthiest and happiest...
It’s movie night, what are you snacking on?

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A bowl of popcorn with a dash of olive oil, lemon juice, and sea salt!
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A big glass of wine!
It's been a stressful week and I've earned it!
It's been a stressful week and I've earned it!
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A giant plate of nachos! Guacamole, salsa, and melted cheese piled high over tortilla chips!
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Glass of water or nothing at all. Eating candy and snack foods before bedtime is bad for you.
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When it comes to your daily diet, are you...

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I make a plan of what to eat and when and I always follow it!
Even if I feel like having a cookie or two... I resist!
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I have a daily plan to make sure I'm meeting my body's energy and nutritional needs but I also go with the flow.
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Totally winging it!
I'm too busy and stressed to meal plan, prep, or pack food to take with me.
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How many cups of coffee or caffeinated tea do you drink per day?

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I’m caffeine free...
No jitters or 3 p.m. slumps for me!
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1 or 2...
I usually have a cup in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon.
I enjoy it but I don't need it to function.
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3 or more
I'm always tired and I need that boost to get me through the day!
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What does your typical breakfast look like?

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Anything delicious and nutritious!
I know I need long-lasting energy to get through the day but I also enjoy sitting down to enjoy the moment and savor the flavors of the meal.
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Coffee... and more coffee!
Who has time to sit down and eat??
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Something small but I'll take it to go!
I'm pretty busy so if I eat at all, I’ll usually have something super quick like a cereal bar or a yogurt cup!
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From 1-10, how satisfied are you with your current life situation?

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1 - 4
I'm not working my dream job, I'm too busy taking care of my family to have any hobbies, and I never have enough time to go for a run or take that hot yoga class I love.
I'm juggling a lot and it's really draining.
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5 - 7
It’s not the best… But it’s also not the worst.
With a few small changes, I feel like I could be in a happier place.
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I love what I do, and I feel fulfilled by my friends, family, and activities.
My work makes a difference, and I have a real sense of purpose and satisfaction.
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How much alcohol do you consume per week?

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0-3 drinks
Alcohol isn’t really my thing.
I don't like the way it makes me feel and I don't want to leave Future Me to deal with a hangover.
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4-6 drinks
I usually have a glass of wine or beer with dinner.
I drink regularly to take the edge off. What can I say, I'm stressed out!
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7+ drinks
I have a couple drinks per day.
I just don't have time or energy to unwind any other way and alcohol helps me let off steam.
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What does regular physical activity look like for you?

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Jogging, biking, swimming… I like it all!
Working up a sweat is my go-to way of releasing stress!
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Ummm... does walking from my front door to my car count as exercise?
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A low-impact activity that fits easily into my schedule.
Maybe a walk after dinner or an online yoga class a couple of times a week.
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Which emoji best describes your current stress levels?

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My stress level is critically high and I feel like I'm heading straight into burnout
(if I'm not already there?)
My stress level is critically high and I feel like I'm heading straight into burnout
(if I'm not already there?)
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Could be better, could be worse.
When I’m not stressed, I feel good! .
..but as soon as it rears its ugly head, I get thrown for a loop!
..but as soon as it rears its ugly head, I get thrown for a loop!
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For me, stress is not a problem.
It’s not that I never feel stressed, but when I do, I can deal with it my own way, with deep breathing, a quick and a cup of chamomile tea!
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How much water do you typically drink per day?

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1-2 glasses
Okay, I know I should be drinking more, but it’s so easy to forget!
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3-6 glasses
I do ok for the most part but I'll sometimes forget and end up feeling groggy with a dehydration headache.
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7-10 glasses
I know I feel better when I'm hydrated so I make it a point to stay on top of it throughout the day!
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You're a Self-Care Newbie

When it comes to self-care, you’re new to the game... but you’re off to an awesome start!
By completing this quiz, you’ve begun to take your health and happiness into your own hands!
You’ve made a big, brave step towards committing to positive change, and if that isn’t worth celebrating, what is? Maybe you want to have more energy, sleep a little deeper, or decrease your stress levels…
Whatever your goals may be, rest assured that with a little guidance and support you can achieve — even exceed — them.
"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start." — Nido Qubein
I'm sending my best tips and resources for improving your self-care score over to your email in a bit, so be sure to check them out!
You're a Self-Care Novice

You know taking care of yourself should be a top priority, but sometimes it’s a challenge to put yourself first.
By completing this quiz, you’ve begun to take your health and happiness into your own hands!
You're a Self-Care Pro

When it comes to protecting your peace and prioritizing your health, you really walk the walk!
You take steps everyday to make sure you’re living your happiest, healthiest life...