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What's Your Body Image Score?

Do you have a good relationship with your body?
How do you feel about food?
How do you feel about food?
Find out how much diet culture has impacted your relationship with yourself.
How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

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I immediately zero in on any body part that doesn't look ''perfect" to me
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I love what I see, it's all me!
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I’m okay with it, some days are better than others.
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How would you describe your relationship with food?

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I try to listen to my body at mealtimes but sometimes I find myself limiting portions based on calories/macros/points without even realizing it
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I often feel guilty about what I eat.
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Food is something I enjoy without guilt.
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I exercise mainly to change how my body looks.
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I move because I love how it makes me feel.
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I enjoy moving my body but sometimes I find myself exercising out of guilt for what I ate earlier or because I know I'm going to eat a big meal later.
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When you hear the term 'diet culture,' what comes to mind?

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It refers to the concept that there is one ideal standard and we should all be trying to achieve it.
But I reject that - instead I focus on creating a positive relationship with my body, food, and movement.
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It refers to the promotion of intentional weight loss to achieve an arbitrary "ideal body", which I know has its own long term health risks, but I still feel occasional pressure to try to lose weight.
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It only refers to extreme weight loss, dangerous crash diets, the use of weightloss teas and pills to achieve an unrealistic body size.
It has nothing to do with me trying to lose weight in a healthy way.
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How do you talk to yourself when you don’t feel your best?

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I’m often critical and list the things about my body and my habits that I don't like.
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I fall into a pattern of negative self talk but sometimes I can stop it by focusing on things I do like about myself and the progress I have made in my journey.
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I resist the urge to self-criticize and remind myself that even when I don't feel love for body, I can choose to treat myself with the care and respect that all bodies deserve, no matter what.
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How do you feel about the idea of self-care?

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It feels selfish to take time away from my family or my job to do extra things for myself, so I rarely do.
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It’s an essential aspect of my life, and I prioritize it regularly.
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I know it’s an important part of my mental and physical health but I struggle to prioritize it.
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What do you believe your body deserves?

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Respect and care, as long as it is part of a healthy lifestyle.
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To be better and closer to my 'goal weight', no matter what I have to do or give up to get there.
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A balance of foods, activities, and experiences that provide nourishment and joy.
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You are a Self-Love Warrior!

You're all about embracing your body just as it is! You set a strong example of self-love and body acceptance for those around you.
You've ditched diet culture and the toxic messaging that there's only one ideal way to look, eat, and move.
You focus instead on self-love and body positivity, even on the days when it doesn't come easy.
Food is your friend and movement is all about celebrating what your body can do. You’ve found a harmonious relationship with your body, accepting and appreciating it for all it is.
Keep doing what you're doing and enjoy the freedom that comes with it!
You've ditched diet culture and the toxic messaging that there's only one ideal way to look, eat, and move.
You focus instead on self-love and body positivity, even on the days when it doesn't come easy.
Food is your friend and movement is all about celebrating what your body can do. You’ve found a harmonious relationship with your body, accepting and appreciating it for all it is.
Keep doing what you're doing and enjoy the freedom that comes with it!

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You are a Self-acceptance Seeker

While you’ve consumed your fair share of diet culture messaging, you’re still working on appreciating your body for what it has done, rather than just its appearance.
You’re on a journey to better understand and improve your body image, experiencing both highs and lows along the way, seeking to find a steady course.
You move between feeling confident and self-critical, striving for a more stable self-image. You have a pretty healthy relationship with food but sometimes you revert to external influences of what to eat, and how much.
Keep working on ways you can love and appreciate your body, and you’ll continue to make progress!
You’re on a journey to better understand and improve your body image, experiencing both highs and lows along the way, seeking to find a steady course.
You move between feeling confident and self-critical, striving for a more stable self-image. You have a pretty healthy relationship with food but sometimes you revert to external influences of what to eat, and how much.
Keep working on ways you can love and appreciate your body, and you’ll continue to make progress!

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You are a Inner Body Image Critic

Thanks to diet culture and its negative impact, you tend to observe your body with a critical eye, often focusing on perceived flaws.
You’re on a journey to find peace with your body but find it hard to focus on the positives. The impact of diet culture has taken its toll but you’re starting to challenge those old beliefs.
Your relationship with your body is evolving, and you want to continue to work on achieving food freedom and ditching that diet mindset.
You’re on a journey to find peace with your body but find it hard to focus on the positives. The impact of diet culture has taken its toll but you’re starting to challenge those old beliefs.
Your relationship with your body is evolving, and you want to continue to work on achieving food freedom and ditching that diet mindset.

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